Prairie Flowers

by Dante Reynolds a.k.a. MiG-29


MiG-29 is the dreamy, blood-covered, creative outlet of Prairie Flowers(Dante Reynolds). Born and raised in the San Jose Bay area in the late 90s, Flowers was blessed to be surrounded by some of the best rap music from the era. Pop-punk, hip-hop, and R&B are all styles that have made an impact on young flowers. At about 14, the flower was ready to blossom.

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The New Year’s resolution in the catchy tune “Dance With Me”

by Ralphy Grey

Ralph Grey

Hello dear music lovers,

I’m Ralphy Grey, a Berlin-based music producer with a powerful retro electro-house pop style, creating a unique musical blend. Today, I’d like to tell you what makes me unique as a musician. And best of all, on 15 December, my brand new single, “Dance With Me,” will conquer the music scene.

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Leaving The Past Behind

by Gillie McGahee

Leaving The Past Behind by Gillie McGahee(Nocturnal Company)

I started Nocturnal Company when I got to Albuquerque, New Mexico, for my freshman year of college. I often stayed up all night in my dorm recording on my laptop with the only live instruments being guitar and keyboard. Luckily, my roommate stayed at his girlfriend’s dorm most of the time. That kid was a character, he smoked hella pot and took watermelons full of vodka to parties, where he feigned a french accent.

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