Influence Is Everything.

by American French Fries

Influence Is Everything. by American French Fries

My name is Kaine Harington, and I am the sole instrumentalist of the post-rock band American French Fries based in Dunedin, New Zealand. My latest album Bigger Things To Worry About wears its influences on its sleeves. Quite literally, the major influencing factors behind the album and its long-winded production is displayed clearly on the record sleeve. The image is of myself and my daughter (3 weeks old at the time) cuddled together and falling asleep. The longer I sit with the album as a finished product, the more I realize her influence is far greater than just a cutesy cover image. Every single track was shaped by the huge impact she has made on my life.

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The Premium Unleaded Sounds of Gas Station Folk

by Griffin Mang and Gabe Huff

The Premium Unleaded Sounds of Gas Station Folk by Griffin Mang and Gabe Huff aka Yin Waster
Gas stations have always been a cornerstone of exploration. A glimpse into a different world every time you enter those doors lathered in other peoples fingerprints and rust from the hinges. We want to give you that feeling of going head first into a place that has room for exploration, where the possibilities never cease and the road always winding. But the first place every great trip starts and all good travelers go to share their tales is the gas station.

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Music as Magick. Magick as Music

by Dusty Santamaria

Music as Magick. Magick as Music. by Dusty Santamaria
The Sun looked like a prison break. I woke up in a suburb of Seattle and stared drowsily out of a stranger’s bedroom window. My wife was talking to an admirer of hers around the scattered ashes of a campfire from the night before. There was a mysterious text message from an unknown number on the blue screen of a broken iPhone. It was clear that the veils to what folks call the spirit world were perceptibly thin. Little hints of future memory flickered with mischievous honesty through the cracked wallpaper in the shadows of the room.

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45 STORIES: The Story of Spies Ascend

by David Nenner

45 STORIES: The Story of Spies Ascend by David Nenner

When I was in High School, I dated a girl who introduced me to her friend Fred. Fred and I hit it off nicely and eventually started writing music together, both heavier rock and metal styles, as well as some acoustic-based compositions. We shared a very similar approach as far as how we wrote melodies and put chords together, but it was not yet as refined as it would end up being years later; we were younger then. In 2006, we began to go our separate ways in life, me with finishing my Bachelor’s in Music Education, Fred with his career and a new relationship.

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Healing Sounds

by K.P. Ransom

Ohmwrecker: Music was our Salvation

Ohmwrecker was formed out of complete chaos and desperation.

After recording 20+ albums by myself as Six Car Collision for 18 years, I moved from Boston to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and was unable to write and play music for about 4 years. I was just blocked… completely stuck and unable to write or say what it is I needed to say. For the first time since I’d started writing and performing, I was completely helpless.

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