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The Meaning Behind “The Happy Ep”

by Preston Fischer

“The Happy Ep” is a collection of songs written to express myself the way I wanted to. I’ve always hated when bands stick to one genre to get more publicity because it limits their creativity. I don’t make music for people to like, I make it cause it makes me feel like I have a voice. If people like the songs then cool, and If they don’t then cool.

Listen to the EP while reading the text.

I wrote my band’s (Neon Heads) first single “If You Loved Me” about when my girlfriend left me for someone else after being together for three years and how it took me through emotions I had never felt before. I never expected anyone to like it but it received a tremendous amount of positive feedback, and that encouraged me to write more music.

That lead to the release of my band’s first Ep “The Happy Ep” which is being featured in a Polish podcast called “Gdzie spotykają się wszystkie światy” or “where worlds meet.” Not only are we picking up popularity abroad, but we have also been requested to play at a local venue in Tampa called The Orpheum. I never expected for people to relate to my personal experiences or enjoy our unique genre.

This is the link to my band’s Bandcamp and our Ep.

Artist’s Note
Indie Artist

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